by male | Jan 28, 2021 | Institutional, Publications
This report constitutes a diagnosis on the general habitat conditions of the neighbors of the Pasaje Daniel de la Sierra. It is an approach to their representations of environmental problems, and their relationship with ecological and sustainable practices. The...
by male | Jan 28, 2021 | Learning Materials, Publications
This Community Project Guide gathers diverse materials from over 12 years of work. We managed to systematize an approach, a proposal, a spirit for action. We hope that the guide will be a useful tool for all those who embark on the adventure of devising, designing and...
by male | Jan 28, 2021 | Learning Materials, Publications
Virtual Social Networks are a new battleground where those who fight for power seek recognition, attention, consideration or imposition of their point of view. As democrats, we must pay attention to this phenomenon: how are social networks and media affecting...
by male | Jan 28, 2021 | Dossiers, Publications
Mi Voz, My Power is a project of international cooperation between Sumando Argentina and Generation Citizen that was carried out thanks to the support of the U.S. Embassy in Argentina. We were able to share activities, question our paradigms, and reaffirm the...
by male | Jan 28, 2021 | Dossiers, Publications
Informed Youth, Real Elections (Juventudes Informadas, Elecciones Reales) is a project led by the civil associations SUMANDO Argentina, Democracia en Red and MINU that aims to train critical youth in the evaluation of digital content for the exercise of responsible...
by sebas | Aug 4, 2020 | Publications, Uncategorized
Los cuentos de los mixtos es un libro que surge en el marco del Programa “ABC Alfabetización Ciudadana. Descubriendo un mundo de derechos” de SUMANDO Argentina gracias a la gestión asociada con el Programa Ciudadanía y Convivencia de la Dirección General de Inclusión...