Social Habitat

We join and manage community projects that focus on environmental rights such as access to water.

Social Architecture of the habitat

  • Pasaje Daniel de la Sierra (Villa 21-24, CABA) – Focus: Access to safe water in poverty contexts.
  • Tierra Amarilla (Villa 21-24, CABA) – Focus: Access and best practices on safe water in poverty contexts.

The projects of the Social Architecture of habitat are community-based organized initiatives that encourage civic participation in urbanization processes. Born out of multiple actors’ articulation, SUMANDO Argentina assists, educates, and encourages the participation of communities affected by infrastructure reform, which would eventually allow them to access basic services for their lives. Our supportive actions function to complement these infrastructural efforts and focuses on the promotion of hygienic habits, refuse disposal, and the use of resources.

Assistance for the installation and implementation of water purifiers (plasma) in two education centers in Gran Buenos Aires (outskirts of Buenos Aires City)

Within the framework of the project initiated by the Ministry of Science and Technology and led by the Undersecretary of the Government for Science, Technology, and Productive Innovation, SUMANDO Argentina carried on the territorial assistance for the positive allocation of the technology installed in schools, as well as the development of the baseline, supervision, and reach.

During the year 2018-2019, the activities had been focused on the Escuela de Enseñanza Secundaria N°14 (Alte. Brown, PBA).

Neighborhood revitalization

The proposal addresses the issues with the responsible use of the neighborhood waste as its impact on public spaces in settlements and slums on the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires. The initiative seeks to encourage participatory and creative action within the community. The proposal includes actions that promote hygienic practices, and environmental care, as well as executes signage as a strategy to communicate new practices for responsible management of waste.

Creemos en la colaboración, las múltiples miradas y el trabajo en equipo para enriquecer las acciones de cambio social.
Creemos en la colaboración, las múltiples miradas y el trabajo en equipo para enriquecer las acciones de cambio social.
Podés colaborar para que Sumando crezca.
Nuestra oficina
Bartolomé Mitre 2815 · 4to piso Of. 404  · CABA · C1201AAA · Argentina
+54 9 11 6544-7729